Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 3... Making a difference???

Today I sweat my butt off literally mowing in the summer-like heat. It sucked, but I was feeling it. Let's hope it made a difference! daily plate said I burned 886 calories and I would guess that to be true. I went grocery shopping at Aldi's today. I haven't stocked up in a long time. But the good news is, I got some Fit n Active stuff and some snacks and such to take on the road. I also got some fruit for breakfast so, yea!

Also, I took Pam's advice and started with water, seemed to help a little with breakfast but I couldn't even get a whole bottle in before or after. My water intake SUCKS. I am working on rediscovering non-calorie beverages.

Here's my breakdown for the day, for what it's worth:
1573 calories (gross)
171 carbs
37 protein

ARGH! I know these numbers aren't looking good. Let's hope it improves soon.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 2, still waiting for a life changing attitude.

So I am going through the motions that helped me stay on track previously, but I'm just not feeling it. I logged into OH last night and realized that I only recognized 1 person on there. Does that mean everyone else has given up too? Or have they moved on and no longer need the support system the way I do? Something has to give.

I logged my food today. UGH.

1202 calories
168g carbs
44g protein

I think all this hot ass weather is making me dehydrated and I am really having trouble with dense protein, as you can see. It's a slow go on food these days, that's the only reason the calories are low. Also why the carb count is up. Sliders are more promising everyday.

On a lighter note, the scale was a tad nicer to me today, 207.8.

3 months ago I would be crying and carrying on, I suppose it's all perspective. It's a loss, so I'll take it! Toodles!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My first step starts now!

My first step today was to log my food. On the calorie side it looks good, but the rest is BAD news. I knew I was bad today but didn't want to fight with my band, so I took the easy way out and used food as a reward. Pfft. Here is the final count:
1850 calories consumed
984 calories burned (I worked my assssss offfff today)
384 calories under goal.

Sure that part looks great, but here is the bad news.
186g carbs
45g protein

THIS is why I'm fat. Bad choices.

But this is a start. Let's see how my follow through is....

Friday, May 20, 2011

Turns out I suck at blogging and other things...

I've stumbled back upon my old blog. I've done this a few times, started a blog and didn't finish. I'm so ADD. And I'm not just ADD about the blog, the whole diet and mindset has gone out the window. I feel like I need an intervention, a life intervention.

I am hovering at about 210 these days and fairly miserable. I work all the time and my social life is zero. I'm on the road all the time, so planning food, meals, snacks, is nearly impossible and I'm just not feeling it. But I know I'm headed in the wrong direction and I didn't go through all this to stop now.
My mission: re-join the gym and go everyday I am off work. Get back to logging ALL my food intake on Meet my band friends in person. Get back on oh for 10 minutes a day. These are all things I should be able to do before the end of the month (I hope). This doesn't include dietary changes just yet because I need to find out where I am at everyday.

I kept thinking, I am active at work, so I should lose weight. But if I am eating out all the time, not planning meals, and drinking calories then it doesn't matter. At best they cancel each other out. It isn't even worth it.

Someone help! I need to get my mind right. I'm a MESS!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back on track!

So this is my 3rd week of working out and it seems to be going pretty good. It is really helping to knock down my net daily calories and I can feel that I am getting better at it. Today I was on the treadmill for 90 minutes! Up to 4.2 mph! I am doing a good job staying under 1200, as a matter of fact my net today was 551. AND today I hit ONDERLAND. 198.6. I don't expect to stay there, but I might get lucky!!
For the first time in 5 or 6 months my weight was lower than the photo on thedailyplate. Everyday I log in there I see that number and feel like a failure, knowing I was once there and let it go. Today was a great day to see that number. I felt like I had finally beat it! I beat that scale and the frumpy lifestyle. I would really like to keep this initiative going, and this time for ME! I don't even care what I look like at the gym, etc. I wanna feel good. I wanna feel thin. I wanna go shopping and wear smaller clothes, FOR ME!
On the food note... I am doing better getting food down. I am still getting stuck, but maybe 1-4 times a day instead of 40. I am so happy. I had a lovely dinner this evening and no problems at all. I have really hit the water hard today because the heat index was 115 and I sweat something fierce today! Drinking the water or G2 through a straw really seems to help get it down faster and better. My body is definitely feeling better (for today at least).
I hope to come back at a lower number next week, that's all I can hope for.

Thanks for following my blog!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, this band is such a DIVA.

Today I'm at 203.8. This sucks! I had lots of work to do today. George and Brian went to Indy to get auction stuff and I stayed behind with Dan to get some packaging done. We didn't finish but got some massive stuff DONE. I have been dreading some of it ever since I put it on MONTHS ago. So I feel like I got a lot accomplished at work today.
I started my day with some water. I am trying to be more mindful of my water intake. I decided to go for pre-digested protein for breakfast in the form of frozen chicken nuggets, nuked of course. I set aside 10. I logged it as a nibbled, but found myself getting stuck and feeling miserable so I stopped at 6, not bad. I skipped lunch today as I was working. I skipped the water too as there is no restroom at the warehouse, SUCK!! SO I leave work at 3, it is hot as hell there. Garrett and I decide to have a nice dinner together and finally settled on Steak N Shake. Not the best, not the worst. I know I have 950 calories left and it's now 4 pm. I decide to get the fried chicken salad. I am delighted to find there is about 2 strips worth of chicken on it, so not too horrible. I know I better go slow and low with it cause I am gonna have trouble. Sure enough, I was stuck on every single nibble. 30 minutes later and 1/3 of the way through, I threw in the towel (or napkin in this case). I had enough! I was tired of being in pain, not being able to breathe, and looking like a lunatic. Garrett wanted dessert and I decided it was ok for me too. I proudly ordered the cookie sundae. It was the most amazing experience. I could eat as much as I wanted as fast as I wanted and NOT be sick. Slides right down. Tasted pretty good too. When it was over, I knew I was in trouble. I had no business bypassing lettuce for ice cream. NOOO! I totally did it. I left with my tail between my legs and went home to face the situation (on thedailyplate). Turns out I was about 300 calories over for the day but when I entered my activities (packaging for 2 straight hours) it left me with a deficit. I still felt bad. I knew it wasn't right. I just shouldn't have done it, I can't remember the last time I had so much buyers remorse over a cookie. After I stewed for a couple of hours and waited for George to get back home, I decided I could make it right by working out. I did just that. I went to the gym and out-did my latest high- 1 hour, 3.2 miles, & 308 calories. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I really wish I had gone to the store to stock up on my band food.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A new chapter in my life, I hope.

Friday was my one year band anniversary. I was a little off on my dates, thinking it was Thursday but the sentiment was there. On Thursday, I went to the gym and ran off 247 calories on the treadmill, my exact starting weight. I joined the gym on Wednesday after Nanny's funeral. That day I had two people ask me about my pregnancy. This is where I draw the line in the sand. Either I am going to continue to be overweight and unhappy or I am going to be healthy and normal.
I started back on my diet, immediately. This was just the kick in the ass I needed. "Pregnancy" and an anniversary would be just the excuse to get me going in the right direction again. I was back to tracking my food online, until the internet was out at my house for 3 days. Grrr! Major set back. I went to Indy for work and play and now I have gained back all the weight I lost last week. Square one.
Today is a new day for me. I am going to start over, yet again. Today my weight is exactly 205 with my clothes on. I am going to log my food and spend at least 10 minutes on the OH message boards as those things seem to help me stay on track. I may have to go work out later.
It's going to be a good day, I just know it!